Enjoy your sex life the way you want with NANAMI, a brand that accompanies you while enjoying yourself to the fullest. This water-based lubricant has a Cannabis scent for the most pleasant sensations. It is perfect for improving sexual relations and for very erotic body massages. Like all lubricants of the brand, it is suitable with latex condoms, respectful with the skin, suitable for oral sex and with toys. Features:
EN: Cannabis lubricant with hemp seed oil is a water based lubricant. Suitable for body massages, sexual intercourse and for use with latex condoms. DE: Cannabis lubricant mit Hanfsamen ?l ist ein Gleitmittel auf Wasserbasis. Geeignet f?r K?rpermassagen, Geschlechtsverkehr und in Kombination mit Latex Kondomen. FR: Cannabis lubricant avec de lhuile de graines de chanvre est un lubrifiant ? base deau. Adapt? aux massages du corps et aux rapports sexuels. Peut ?tre utilis? avec des pr?servatifs en latex. IT: Cannabis lubricant con olio di semi di canapa ? un lubrificante a base dacqua. ? particolarmente indicato per i massaggi su tutto il corpo e rapporto sessuale. ? indicato per l?uso con profilattici in lattice. NL: Cannabis lubricant met hennepzaadolie is een glijmiddel op waterbasis. Geschikt voor lichaamsmassages, geslachtsverkeer en voor gebruik met latex-condooms. |